Saturday 21 July 2012

The 8th month

Snuggling up with MY blankie! hehehe

Another month has passed by and I still have not seized to be amazed by Rayray's development! It is so much fun now to spend my time with her (not that I ever feel bored or anything but I remember I longed for 'adult conversations' the first couple of months but now I take her out to lunching with friends, shopping etc etc, and she is like my little best friend/doll that I constantly talk to! hehehe

We arrived Shanghai from London on her 8 month birthday and it was a much better flight journey compared to when we travelled back to London in April. She Rayray managed to get a few hours of decent sleep and I think the routine is  now deep wired in her.

We went to Cathay hospital to have her weighed in and measure and ummm...

Height - 70 cm (she hasn't grown in the past month?)

Weight - 9.7kg (and according to the scale at Cathay Hospital, she has only put on 0.1 kg?! Not that I am worried about her weight but she weighed around 10kg in London just before we left!)

Eating - Breastfed 3 times a day. She is well established on solids and still enjoys her food! She now eats breakfast with pleasure and I have discovered that I should have waited for 45 minutes or so after breastfeeding her. I have also started giving her fingers foods at every mealtime and I think she finds them more satisfying.

Looking very excited as she knew it was meal time!

Sleeping - Rayray now soothes herself to sleep and it really was so worthwhile to sleep train her. She goes down at 7pm and wakes up between 6-7am. She talks to herself when she wakes up in the morning and would do so for a good 15 minutes before making a fuss. She has 30 minutes in the morning and around 2 hours at lunchtime nap.

Falling asleep on daddy's chest and she actually had her entire 30 minutes of MN like that! lol

Development -
  • Rayray is one curious baby, she is always busy playing and not only everything she can get hold of goes into her mouth, she would watch and stare at people with amazement no matter who you are or what you do! And talk about vastly improved dexterity! She is also busy exploring with those chubby fingers. 
Her new toy - DJ Station and I highly recommend it!
  • She loves attention and needs to be entertained particularly at meal times. She is still a very good eater but wants to play all the time. So if I'm on my own feeding her, I need to make funny faces or tickle her or just make her laugh so she would finish feeding!!!
Totally a daddy's girl and knows daddy is her best play pal!
  • She now can roll over whenever she wants to without much effort but still tries to crawl!
  • Can bear weight on legs when held upright and she just loves 'standing up' and gosh, does she have strong legs or does she have strong legs! hahaha
  • She can pass an object from one hand to the other.
  • Absolutely loooooves playing peekaboo 
  • She now pick up blueberries, peas or biscuits with any part of thumb and forefinger.
Oh, and lastly but not least I'm back on my pre-pregnancy weight: 52kg! Though still have 2 more kg to go to be on the 'old me' weight as I did put on 2 kg right before I got pregnant!

Playing with Rayray is bundles of joy now as she laughs back and there are actually some serious interactions between us!

Helllllo there!

My smily happy bunny

This year at Stoke Park

Rayray's progress:


  1. RayRay.....I miss you so much.....

  2.'ll see her very soon!

  3. ummmm...beverly...time for retirement...give way to the new super mama

  4. no la, her blog is far better and she blogs everyday! I need to get a grip! hahaha
